Studying the plans provided by Organa's astromech droid R2-D2, the Alliance learned that the station had a small exhaust port not protected by a particle shield through which a well-placed proton torpedo could reach the main reactor and destroy the station. Jan Dodonna briefs rebel pilots on the Death Star plans Having received intelligence that the Rebels were on Yavin, an Imperial strike force arrived to verify the presence of the Rebel base they successfully fought the defenders at the Massassi Arena. In addition, as the Rebels had learned of the Death Star's arrival on short notice after recovering the full plans, they also were left with little time to plan an infiltration operation into the station to destroy it from within. As the Rebel Alliance stationed at Yavin 4 lacked the amount of capital ships required to attack the battle station, the Alliance could not attempt to exploit the tactic of firing on the focusing crystals enough to misalign it, and the Death Star's defenses were also designed to repel that kind of assault anyway. However, as Organa suspected, the Empire allowed them to escape after planting a homing beacon aboard the Millennium Falcon, thus leading Imperial forces to the previously hidden main Rebel base on Yavin 4. They were successful, although the raid resulted in the death of Cesi Eirriss. Īround the time of the rescue, several pilots of Red Squadron were on a mission to Commenor to pick up astromech droids. To facilitate their escape, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi had confronted his former Padawan and Organa's birth father, Darth Vader, and sacrificed himself in the process.

The plans were brought to Yavin 4 after the crew and passengers of the Millennium Falcon successfully rescued Organa from the Death Star. The plans were placed into the hands of Rebel leader Princess Leia Organa, but she was captured by Imperial forces over the planet Tatooine. The Rebels' Mission to Danuta accomplished by rebel agent Kyle Katarn had resulted in the resistance movement obtaining a complete technical readout of the battle station. Their numbers were augmented by veteran pilots as the Alliance gathered its resources in preparation for the coming battle. Upon arrival, the Independence sent Red, Gold and Blue Squadron to the Yavin Base. To unify command and coordinate a defense, the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Independence carried members of the Alliance High Command to their secret base on Yavin 4. With the imminent completion of the Empire's Death Star, the Rebel Alliance anticipated a major Imperial offensive. " Any attack made by the Rebels against this station would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they've obtained." ―Conan Motti