Unfortunately it quickly contradicts itself in the very first line of the angle of view entry by citing a source that clearly states that people should not treat FOV and AOV the same. The Wikipedia entry for field of view starts with the first line “For the same phenomenon in photography, see Angle of view” which certainly seems to indicate that the two are interchangeable. I realized that in the past I had used the two terms somewhat interchangeably, but I began to wonder if that was incorrect even though I found many other people doing the same thing, such as Bob Atkins, who refers to FOV when defining the equation for it, but labels the resulting graph with AOV. The seemingly simple question is: Is there a difference between angle of view (AOV) and field of view (FOV)? Whilst researching some new tutorial content for this site, I stumbled upon a topic which seems to have a lot of people confused, and I have to be honest that when I began delving deeper into it, initially I just became more and more confused myself.