To prevent compatibility problems with potential future mods or Paradox updates, and to ensure readability and ease of maintenance, it is prudent to use namespaces.

This must be a unique non-negative integer, not replicated in any other event file of either your own making, another mod, or vanilla. This would only display the notification to countries that have more than 50 prestige. Major event can also have major_trigger block, only displaying the notification to countries validating the trigger. This only specifies the root scope of the event - country events can have province scale effects and vice versa.Ī notification that the event has happened can be displayed to everyone by using the major = yes argument. It was last verified for version 1.30.Īn event can either be about a province or about a country. Please help with verifying or updating this section. This may be visible to the player or hidden from them. Optionally you may include an effect that happens immediately upon the event firing rather than waiting for the player to choose an option (for example, to stop them from moving troops to a province before choosing the option that causes a revolt there). One or more options for the player or AI to pick, with associated effects.This makes mean_time_to_happen useless, unless the event is triggered in an on_action's random events list.

It can be marked as "triggered only", meaning it is only triggered when another script specifically triggers it.